The Department and the schools
An overview of the Department's initiatives aimed at young people to increase their awareness on issues of self-protection and protection of the territory.

Civil Protection consists of all activities aimed at safeguarding life, animals, the environment and settlements from risks - natural and related to human activities - and, at the same time, it is a synergic network of relationships between different subjects whose function is to promote a culture of respect, active citizenship and civic sense.
Among all the realities involved in the dissemination of these issues, the school is particularly sensitive: conveying to young people the message of solidarity, participation, sharing, safety, is an important cultural and social investment.
The goal of a community that is more and more involved in public life, more sensitive to phenomena and changes in the natural and social contexts, more aware of its active role cannot, therefore, disregard the involvement of the school world.
Tough and significant for the country and for the entire National Service was the earthquake that struck the school of San Giuliano di Puglia in 2002. Since then, the Department has intensified its commitment alongside the competent institutions for the safety of school buildings and, more generally, for the construction of a solid culture of prevention starting with the new generations.
The Department has always promoted the information and dissemination of the culture of civil protection to local and territorial authorities, as per its institutional mandate also expressed by the Civil Protection Code, to increase the sensitivity of the community on issues of self-protection and protection of the territory.